By movie gelat Jumat, 29 April 2016 wish wish / if only The 33: Wish In 2010, the eyes of the world turned to Chile, where 33 miners had been buried alive by the catastrophic explosion and collapse of a 100-ye...
By movie gelat 06.09 One More Week on Top for 'Jungle Book' Before the Summer Movie Season Begins Three new releases hit theaters this weekend as the "official" start of the summer movie season is now just one week away. This ...
By movie gelat Kamis, 14 April 2016 future future will simple present simple present to talk about future events simple present x will Death Becomes Her: WILL x Simple Present to Talk about Future Events This film is a classic that talks about beauty, being young forever, and what people can do to look perfect. I used this interesting scene t...
By movie gelat Selasa, 29 Maret 2016 future future will Tomorrowland: Future with WILL I read great reviews of this movie, but I thought it was boring. However, there are great scenes that you can use in the classroom. This is ...
By movie gelat Senin, 14 Maret 2016 used to Minions: Used to Minions is simply wonderful. I loved the movie. The story is great and the characters are awesome. I used this scene to practice "used ...
By movie gelat Minggu, 28 Februari 2016 acronyms figures of speech Jurassic World: Acronyms ACRONYM : Technically, a word that is formed by combining some parts (usually the first letters) of some other terms. Newsgroups, chat rooms...
By movie gelat Jumat, 19 Februari 2016 modal verb modal verb for speculation past modals for drawing conclusions past modals for speculation Pay the Ghost - Modals for Speculation This is a scary movie and this scene is perfect to speculate about what happened to the little boy. Use it with adults only, please, Review ...