Footloose: Modal Verbs for Obligation, Prohibition, and Permission

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Footloose: Modal Verbs for Obligation, Prohibition, and Permission

This new version of the 80's Footloose does not have the impact or charm of the original version, but the opening scene is shocking and thought-provoking. It is also controversial, which makes it debatable.

I. Watch the movie segment and say what youngsters must, must not, can, or don't have to do, according to the new rules decided by the City Council of Bomont.

1. Minors _________ obey the curfew.

2. They ______________ dance lasciviously in public places.

3. Minors _______ be home by 10 pm on weeknights and 11 pm on weekends. Youngsters who are above 18 ________ obey the curfew.

4. Individuals ___________ organize public gatherings where minors engage in inappropriate activities, such as consumption of alcohol or unlawful drugs.

5. Minors __________ listen to vulgar or demeaning amplified music.

6.  Adults __________ advise their children of what is good for them if they wish, but they ____________ help them break the law.

7. Minors ____________ to be happy about the new decision, but they _________ respect and accept the decision.


1. Do you agree with the prohibition?

2. What did the teens do wrongly, in your opinion?

3. Should the City Council decide what people can or can't do to have fun? Explain.

4. What are the possible consequences of such a drastic decision?



Answer key:

1. Must
2. Must not
3. Must / don't have to
4. Must not
5. Must not
6. Can/ Can't
7. Don't have to / Must

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