Midnight in Paris, To Rome with Love & The Smurfs: Superlatives with Nouns

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Midnight in Paris, To Rome with Love & The Smurfs: Superlatives with Nouns

These three movies show three famous  cities -  Paris, Rome and New York. I used these scenes to compare cities, using nouns. I love Woody Allen - especially Midnight in Paris. I simply had to use these opening scenes. They are lovely.

I. Talk to a partner about the following questions.

1. What is your favorite city in the world? Justify your answer.

2. What must a city have to be perfect for you?

3. What is your opinion about the city you live in? What can be improved?

4. What would you change about the city you live in?

II. Watch the movie segment. Look at the items below. Write P if you think they are more evident in Paris (Midnight in Paris), R in Rome (To Rome with Love) or in NY (The Smurfs). Remember the rules:

Count Nouns

Non-count Nouns

as many ______________ as
as much ___________________ as

the most ______________ of the group
the most __________________ of the group

the fewest ______________ of the group
the least __________________ of the group


Superlatives describe a particular quality to the highest degree when compared to the same quality found elsewhere. So, we might say All the cities have a lot of cars in the streets, but I’d say New York has the most cars in the streets. OR Rome has the fewest cars in the streets. OR Paris has as many cars in the streets as New York and Rome.

( ) Cars in the street
( ) Motorcycles in the streets.
( ) Famous monuments
( ) Traffic
( ) Tourists
( ) Advertisement
( ) Taxis
( ) Pollution
( ) Cafes
( ) Entertainment

III. Write sentences, following the example. Compare the three cities shown in the segments.

1 _____________________________________
2 _____________________________________
3 _____________________________________
4 _____________________________________
5 _____________________________________
6 _____________________________________
7 _____________________________________
8 _____________________________________
9 _____________________________________
10 ____________________________________

Midnight in Paris

To Rome with Love

The Smurfs






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