Closed Circuit: Past Perfect Continuous

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Closed Circuit: Past Perfect Continuous

This is a great thriller. Its gripping plot and piercing beginning are amazing. Don't miss it.

I. Watch the segment. What were people doing when the bomb exploded?
Check the correct items.

( ) 1. A mother and her pregnant daughter were walking and holding each other.

( ) 2. A man was using the cell phone.

( ) 3. A mother was feeding her baby.

( ) 4. A woman wearing a purple handkerchief on her head was shopping.

( ) 5. A truck was making manoeuvres near the rear entrance.

II. Now rewrite the sentences you checked in exercise I. Add how long they had been doing those things and make the necessary changes in the verb forms.

Ex: When the bomb exploded, a huge crowd had been walking around the market since the beginning of the morning.


1. _____________________________________________ 
2. _____________________________________________ 
3. _____________________________________________ 
4. _____________________________________________ 
5. _____________________________________________

III. Talk to a partner.

1. Do you worry about terrorist threats where you live? How do you protect yourself?

2. If you consider the place where you live, what are the greatest fears of the population in terms of security/violence? What is the weight of terrorism in this situation.

3. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about terrorist threats? Do you think they will get worse or will they be less frequent in the future? Justify it.

Answer key:

I. All items are to be checked.


1. They had been walking and holding each other for .................................

2. A man had been using the cell phone for ................................

3. She had been feeding her baby for ................................

4. She had been shopping for.................................

5. It had been making manoeuvres for ...............................



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