Under the Dome: Modals for Speculation

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Under the Dome: Modals for Speculation

I am a great fan of Stephen King and his imaginative stories. This one is no exception. The book, which I loved, became a CBS series. The book explores the psychological shades of the characters much more deeply than the series, but it is still worth following. This scene is one of my favorite scenes on this blog. This is the first post taken from a TV series. Others will come up.

I. Watch the segment. Then check the alternatives that you believe are possible explanations for the "dome".
1. ( ) It is a force field.

2. ( ) Extra terrestrials want to isolate human beings for experiments.

3. ( ) It is a military operation.

4. ( ) It is a natural phenomenon.

5. ( ) It is their imagination.

6. ( ) It is a nuclear shelter.

7. ( ) Your guess.

II. Check your guesses with a partner. Then write sentences speculating about what the dome is.

1. ________________________________ 

2. ________________________________ 

3. ________________________________ 

4. ________________________________

III. Look at the pictures below. Chester's Mill, a small town in Maine - USA, was isolated from the rest of the world by this mysterious dome. No one goes out; no one comes in. Think about possible consequences of such a happening. Think about the climate, water resources, food supplies, family members, politics, security, hospitals, etc. Then write down at least 5 sentences speculating about what might happen to Chester's Mill's population OR what they might have to do to survive.

CLIMATE: ___________________________

WATER RESOURCES: _______________________________

FOOD SUPPLIES: ______________________________

FAMILY MEMBERS / FRIENDS _________________________

POLITICS: ___________________________

SECURITY: ____________________________

HOSPITALS / HEALTH WELFARE ____________________

IV. Check your ideas with the students from the other groups.



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