The Tale of Desperaux: Simple Present

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The Tale of Desperaux: Simple Present

I love this animated movie. The story is touching and funny. I had to use something from the film, so I used this scene for the simple present tense. Basic learners can perform the tasks easily, but if you think the language used in the segment will scare them away, use it with intermediate students.

I just can't live without animated movies. I love this one. Desperaux is such a cute hero that everyone would like to have that little mouse in their house - I guess!

A. Work with a partner. Choose a holiday you celebrate where you live (Ex: Carnaval, Thanksgiving). Write down 5 sentences saying what people do during the holiday.


1. People wear funny costumes.

2. They dance the samba.

OUR HOLIDAY: ___________

1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. ____________________

B. Now watch the segment and write down 5 things people do during the holiday, Soup Day.

1. ______________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________

C. Now look at the sentences you wrote in exercise A. Do people perform the activities you wrote about your holiday on Soup Day? Write down 3 sentences saying what they don't do.

Ex: They don't wear funny costumes.
They don't dance the samba.

1. _____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________



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