Kung Fu Panda 2 & Madagascar 3: Simple Past

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Kung Fu Panda 2 & Madagascar 3: Simple Past

Madagascar 3 is much better than the first ones. Well, animated movies are my guilty pleasure, so I usually like them all. However, this one is really worth-watching. Kung Fu Panda 2 is just wonderful. What a cute Panda Po is! I prepared simple past activities with the segments that can be used in the same class.


I. Put the following questions in the correct order:

1.  you/ why / didn't/ anything / say


2. here / how / I / did / get

________________________________________________________ ?

3. come / where / from / do / from

________________________________________________________ ?

 II. Now complete the story about Kung Fu Panda's adoption. Choose one verb from the box, and write the correct past tense form in the paragraph.


It _______________ just another day at the restaurant.  I ______________out to the back. There ___________ cabbages, turnips, radishes. There _____________ no radishes, just a very hungry baby panda. There ____________ no note. I _____________ for someone to come looking for you, but no one did. I _______________ you inside, _________________ you, _________________you a bath, and _______________ to put some pants on you. And then I _______________ a decision that changed my life forever.

III. Watch the segment - KUNG FU PANDA 2 - and check your answers.


IV. Write a short paragraph about something that happened to you, using the simple past. Think about something unusual that you did or that happened to you, and write everything that happened then.


I. Here are some lines from the segment from MADAGASCAR 2. Correct the wrong ones  and write CORRECT if the sentence is okay.

"There was a time when circus Zaragoza, we were a great circus, and Vitaly was the biggest star of us all".

1) He jump from the hoop like he could fly.
2) One fateful day, he push too far. 
3) He fly too close to the sun and he got burned.
4) And he lost everything.
5) His wife run off with a musician.
6) He lost his dignity, his fame, his passion, and his fur. 
7 ) And when it grow back, it is less soft. 
8) He was our inspiration.

II. Watch the movie segment and check your answers.



Kung Fu Panda 2:

1. Why didn't you say anything?
2. How did I get here?
3. Where do I come from?

It was just another day at the restaurant.  I went out to the back. There were cabbages, turnips, radishes, There were no radishes, just a very hungry baby panda. there was no note. I waited for someone to come looking for you, but no one did. I brought you inside, fed you, gave you a bath, and tried to put some pants on you. And then I made a decision that changed my life forever.

 Madagascar 2:


1 - jumped

2. pushed

3. flew


5. ran


7. grew / was


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